Dear Educators

Dear Educators

How many times have you heard a student say “No one cares what I think or cares what I have to say?” Please take a minute to think about it, and answer the question honestly. Inside and outside of school I have heard students make these statements, and it makes me sad…as an educator…as a parent…and as a person. Knowing that students felt this way was the main reason I spent two years researching the benefits of socratic seminars. I specifically created this program to benefit young students academically, socially, and emotionally.

THINK socratic seminars is an academic enhancement program that can make a difference in the lives of your students on many levels. It is a modified version of a socratic seminar and is student-centered. Students will develop better critical thinking skills, critical reading skills, vocabulary skills, listening skills, and verbal communication skills – all skills that will help them in the Common Core Tests, High School Entrance Exams, Regents, PSATs and SATs. During the seminars students learn to collaborate with their peers. When others listen to what you have to say, you feel important. When you feel important, you gain confidence. When you have confidence, you develop self-esteem and are empowered to be successful in school and in life.

THINK socratic seminars is a four-week program that meets twice a week for 75 minutes. The size of the seminar is purposely limited to ten students. The small size of the seminar contributes to the students’ comfort level and their willingness to participate. I am the Leader of the seminar, and my role is to keep the dialogue moving forward. It is not a debate – there are no winners or losers. The dialogue is centered on students’ ideas and voices. The procedure is based on two parts. The first part is a reading of a short, relevant text by the students. The second part is analyzing the meaning of the text and participating in a respectful and engaging dialogue with their peers.

THINK is about inquiry and students are encouraged to ask questions. It is about the students’ ability to find answers to their questions so they can have true understanding. The Leader keeps the dialogue moving with open-ended questions so there are many right answers not just one. All of the students are on a level playing field – there are no grades or assessments. Everyone speaks and everyone listens. THINK is a face-to-face interaction among peers in a comfortable, respectful, nonjudgmental setting. Everyone is expected to participate.

Teen problems like bullying, substance abuse, self-destructive behavior and school violence are attributed to students’ low self-esteem. Many teachers know the benefits of socratic seminars and would love to be able to run them in their classes, but it’s not feasible because of the size of their classes and the lack of time needed to run an effective seminar. I bring the program to your school and set it up in a conference-like setting. I think that most teachers would support the idea of their students’ participation in this program.

THINK socratic seminars can fill a gap in your students’ education and bring positive aspects into their lives. I am an advocate for the development of students’ self-esteem. I want all students to know that they are unique and that their voices make a difference in the world! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Helen DeFina
Creator & Director