A Message From the Creator & Director

The greatest compliment that I consistently receive from my students is that “I make them feel special and important.” I know that when a person feels special and important they will develop confidence. If a person has confidence and self-esteem, the possibilities that follow are endless!

I believe it is very important to focus on life skills in the education of our children. I believe it’s important for every student to take ownership of his or her education and to make an effort to do their very best in school. But, I am also a realist and know that much of what they study for a test will be lost a few months later. THINK socratic seminars puts equal emphasis on confidence-building skills and academic skills. In today’s culture of standardized tests, it’s probably not politically correct to say it, but I would rather have a student be a thinker than a memorizer. I want students to think and ask questions – this is real learning. It’s about skills they will have for life.

I created THINK socratic seminars after two years of intensive research on the benefits of socratic seminars for students. The spark that ignited my research was a simple but serious sentiment expressed by many students. I was sad to hear students say that “no one listens to me or cares what I think.” This is what many young people believe. I read this in school violence surveys and also as the reasons for bullying and for self-destructive behavior. These words did not only come from quiet, low performing students – many seemingly successful and popular students also felt the same way!

In many schools there are groups of neglected students who need to know that someone does care about what they say and think. I was sad to hear high school students refer to some of the other students as “ghosts”. Ghosts are the loners who don’t speak and who are basically invisible in school. In a survey on school violence students said that they do not think teachers care about them. This was troubling. They felt that teachers only care about high-performing students, the athletes, and other students who garner some kind of fame in the high school environment. I am tired of seeing incidents of school violence on television and in the headlines that are usually attributed to students with low self-esteem, no friends, and the apathy of the people around them. This is crazy! They are young people with so much potential and each one of them should be taught to believe that they have something to contribute to the world. The format and procedure at a THINK socratic seminar is set up for every person to feel important and respected.

I am dedicated to THINK socratic seminars because young people will have the opportunity to enhance their academic and social skills, develop confidence, and feel good about themselves. I am an advocate for the development of students’ self-esteem and I believe this program will make a difference in their lives. I believe in young people and I want to be a small part of their success in school and in life.

Helen DeFina
M.A. Adolescent Education
B.A. English